How to connect to the network (PC, iPhone, Android)
If you have already registered, completed the basic settings of the online consultant and placed the code on your website (the module is already displayed), then it’s time to install the program for online communication and finally test your consultant!
In your personal account in the section online consultant settings at the bottom of the pages there is a block with instructions for connecting to the network in various ways.
Let’s take a closer look at the various options for working.
1. Program Suo.Chat on your PC (Windows, Mac OS)
If the operator is at the computer most of the time, then in this case the most convenient option is to download the online consultation program Suo.Chat for Windows or for MacOS.
Run the program and enter the username and password of the operator. (You can add new operators and find out the logins and passwords of existing ones in the “Operators” tab; for more details on setting, see the article “Adding online operators“.)
Click the “Connect” button and you’re already online!
The online consultant program “Suo.Chat” will allow you not only to communicate with clients, but also to receive detailed information about the visitor, monitor the actions, redirect the appeal to another manager.
At the top of the window is the name of the visitor, if you want to change it, just click the mouse. A dialog box will open where you can enter any visitor name, as well as phone and email.
The phone and email can be set by the operator or the visitor himself in a special form. Contacts will be visible to the manager, so he can contact the client at any time.
Below is information about the visitor.
Located on page: (indicates the page the visitor is viewing).
Found you for: (a query that the visitor entered in their search engine).
City, ip-address, browser version and operating system.
“Info” – will show you full information about this visitor.
“Switch” – allows you to transfer the question to another manager.
“History” – will show past dialogs with the visitor.
“Templates” – allows you to select one of the standard responses or add a new message template.
“More – Collaborative Browsing” – will allow you to track the actions of the client in the browser, intercept control, highlight the necessary information with a pointer.
“More – Upload to Email” – allows you to send correspondence to any email.
“More – Ban” – will get rid of unwanted messages.
A dialog is displayed in the central part. Typing monitoring will help you quickly understand the needs of the client and instantly answer his question.
File Upload Function allows you to attach any file to your message.
In the upper right corner, you can switch the display of visitors, for example, show all chats or only with online users. You can also select the “All site visitors” mode and watch absolutely any visitor to your site or contact him and offer help.
If the dialogue goes in parallel with several clients, then you will always see which of the clients is waiting for your answer, and you can easily navigate the chat.
The visitor who wrote a question and is waiting for an answer is marked in the chat with a yellow icon. A pencil means that the client is currently writing something to you in the chat (you can see the text of the message even before the visitor sends it to you and prepare a response in advance).
Green are those visitors who are online now, but the operator has already answered their question.
Red – visitors who left the site.
At the bottom of the program, settings are presented for the convenience of the operator. The “I need to go away” button will allow you to switch to offline mode without turning off the program, for example, during your lunch break.
Settings will make the operator’s work even more comfortable.
2. Web version
The web version is absolutely similar to the Suo.Chat program, only the online consultant program is opened through a browser. Suitable for any operating system, does not require installation. Simply navigate to the Suo.Chat web application using the latest version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, or Safari, enter your operator username and password, and enjoy!
3. Application for your smartphone (iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, etc.)
To connect to an online consultant from an iPhone, Android or any smartphone or tablet, you can use Jabber client.
Let’s consider the connection using the IM+ program as an example:
Install IM+ from Google Play for Android (AppStore for iPhone). Run the program.
Select to add a Jabber account.
In the window that opens, fill in the “Login” and “Password” fields.
Pay attention! You must specify “” as a login, not just “operator”.
Also select the “Use Old-Style SSL” checkbox
Click on the Save and connect button and you are already online!
4. Any Jabber client
If you’re used to a specific Jabber-enabled client (ICQ, QIP, Miranda, QutIM, MDC, etc.), you can use it to communicate with your website visitors.
To connect, select adding a Jabber account, fill in the “Login” and “Password” fields in the window that opens. Please note that you must specify “” as the login, and not just “Login”.
Select the Use Old-Style SSL checkbox.
Port: 5223
You can choose any suitable Jabber client.
5. SMS communication
You can communicate with site visitors even using regular SMS messages!
In the “Operators” section, select the desired operator and open the “Online by SMS” tab. Enable communication via SMS and set up a manager’s work schedule.
In this case, the client will see that the operator (consultant) is online, and the question will be sent to the operator in the form of an SMS message, which can be answered and the answer will come to the client’s chat.
You can use any connection methods. For example, use Suo.Chat at the office, connect the application on a mobile or tablet while on the road, and communicate via SMS if there is no Internet connection. Keep in touch with your customers!
Other instructions are provided in the section “Instructions“.
Have questions? Enter them in the form “Ask a Question” on our website, or call us at: 8-800-100-0905.
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Available functions
Online chat on website
Not more than 3 operators
Uploading a chat to Email
Smartphones & Tablets
Notifications by SMS and Email
Windows & Mac OS
Lead Generator
Communication history
Own design
first 14 days full version available