Basic settings of the online consultant

Have you registered in your personal account and are ready to set up an online consultant on your website? Let’s get started!

Go to the online consultant settings section and click “Connect site”.

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The main settings are available in the window that opens. We enter the site address, set any desired inscription for the online consultant button in online and offline mode, select the module style (classic or modern) and the position of the online consultant button. For example, let’s select the Modern style, position the button at the bottom, and move it 50px from the right edge.

подключить онлайн консультант

Below you can set the sound that visitors will hear when they receive a message in the online consultant, as well as the mode for displaying new messages (a pop-up notification in the style of the VK site, or opening a module). Next, select the color scheme of the online chat.

If the basic settings are not enough, then click the “Custom design” button. Here you can fine-tune and even use your own CSS styles.

подключить онлайн консультант

Please note that tabs can be added to the module. For example, now you have already added a “Reviews” tab, where a visitor can write about their impressions of working with your service. Reviews can be posted on the site, read more about this in the article “Collecting and publishing reviews“. Using the “+” button you can add additional tabs, for example, place your contacts, location map and even videos.
Read more in our articles:

This is how easy it is to create an online consultant module that fits perfectly into the style of your site. At the same time, you will not see any ads and links to the developer’s website in the online chat.

If you have already configured the appearance of the online consultant module, then feel free to click the “Save project” button. You can return to these settings later.

The next step is to add an online support operator. You can select it from the list of users in your personal account or add a new one. For the operator, we set the name – the one that visitors will see on your site. You can create any login and password, they will be used to enter the Suo.Chat online consultant program. We enter the phone number and email, these data are not displayed anywhere, they are used to receive notifications about questions and reviews received. You can also add additional operators later.
Read more in the articles:

подключить онлайн консультант

After choosing an operator, the system will generate a unique code for your site, you need to copy it and place it on your site.
Read more about it in our articles:

After placing the code, the online consultant will appear on your site and you can download the operator program and start chatting. Learn more about connecting in our article “How to connect to the network from different devices (PC, iPhone, Android, etc.)“.

Other instructions are provided in the section “Instructions“.

Have questions? Enter them in the form “Ask a Question” on our website, or call us at: 8-800-100-0905.


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Available functions

  • Online chat on website

  • Not more than 3 operators

  • Uploading a chat to Email

  • Smartphones & Tablets

  • Notifications by SMS and Email

  • Windows & Mac OS

  • Lead Generator

  • Communication history

  • Own design

first 14 days full version available