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Settings. Notifications

Show new message notification If the program is minimized to the taskbar, you will receive…

Report. Attendance

In this section, you can view the traffic statistics of your site. Click on “Live…

Notification style

Click on “Live Chat” on the left, then select your site. In the column that…

Popular Articles

Online consultant for opencart

If your website was created using the OpenCart website builder, then you can use our…

Repeat auto actions

Click on “Live Chat” on the left, then select your site. In the column that…

Report. Referral sources

In this report, you can see the statistics of the referral sources of your website…

Telegram integration

Thanks to our service, you can receive messages from Telegram using a bot directly to…

Settings. Chat

Show seconds in the chat You can display the time of sending and receiving messages…

Report. Geography

In this report, you can see the geo statistics of your site visitors: country, city….

Online consultant for a5.ru

If your website was created using the A5.ru website builder, then you can use our…

Creating operators

The operator is the person who will advise your visitors on the site using our…

Notification style

Click on “Live Chat” on the left, then select your site. In the column that…

Distribution of chats between operators

In this section, you can choose a convenient way for you to distribute chats between…