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Template list

Click on “Live Chat” on the left, then select your site. In the column that…

Online consultant for netcat

If your site is created on the Net-Cat site platform, then you can use our…

Getting started in the program

MANAGEMENT 1. To get started, set up an online chat in your account and be…

Popular Articles

Creating an administrator

Click on “Live Chat” on the left, then select your website. In the column that…

Online consultant for wordpress

If your site was created using the WordPress site builder, then you can use our…

Settings. Notifications

Show new message notification If the program is minimized to the taskbar, you will receive…

Integration with Yandex.metrica

Using the Yandex.Metrica service, you can track the performance of the online chat and your…

Tab builder

Click on “Live Chat” on the left, then select your site. In the column that…

Create a department for operators

In this section, you can create a section with operators. In the chat, before starting…

Report. Attendance

In this section, you can view the traffic statistics of your site. Click on “Live…

Online consultant for drupal

If your site was created using the Drupal site builder, then you can use our…

Online consultant for hostcms

If your website was created using the HostCMS website builder, then you can use our…

Online consultant for basium

If your website was created using the Bazium website builder, then you can use our…