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Online consultant for setup

If your site was created using the Setup site builder, then you can use our…

Color setting

Click on “Live Chat” on the left, then select your site. In the column that…

Reviews tab

Click on “Live Chat” on the left, then select your site. In the column that…

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Operator menu

Toggle Chat transfer between operators. When the operator is loaded, he can always transfer the…

Payment acceptance tab

In the “Accepting payments – Payment systems settings” section, select the appropriate payment system and…

Offline mode

Click on “Live Chat” on the left, then select your site. In the column that…

Settings. Chat

Show seconds in the chat You can display the time of sending and receiving messages…

Site code

Click on “Live Chat” on the left, then select your site. In the column that…

Online consultant for umi.cms

If your website was created using the UMI.CMS website builder, then you can use our…

Online consultant for tilda.cc

If your website was created using the Tilda.CC website builder, then you can use our…

Write tab in messenger

Click on “Live Chat” on the left, then select your site. In the column that…

Online consultant for a5.ru

If your website was created using the A5.ru website builder, then you can use our…

Order a call tab

Click on “Live Chat” on the left, then select your site. In the column that…