How to clear cache in opencart?

VQMod cache
To clear the cache in VQMod, you need to go to “site_root/vqmod” and delete the mods.cache file. Then go to the “cache” directory and delete all files.

A more visual clear cache OpenCart of this type is presented in the following video.

OCMod cache
In order to clear the OCMod cache in OpenCart, you need to delete all directories and files from “site_root/system/modification”.
But in OpenCart 2+, developers have made a more convenient way to clear the OCMod cache than deleting files manually. To do this, go to the admin panel of the store and go to the menu item “Additions (in the form of a puzzle piece) – Modifications”. Click on the orange button with the image of the eraser, the OCMod cache will be cleared automatically. Next, to rebuild the modification cache, you must click on the “Update” button, which is located nearby.

OpenCart system cache
In order to clear the OpenCart cache in this case, you need to delete all files from the “system/cache” directory (the path is relevant for all versions of OpenCart).

If you have experienced any difficulties when clearing the OpenCart cache, we recommend that you watch the following video.

When you re-execute queries in the database and operations with data, the cache files will be re-created.


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