Auto action filters


Duration of the current visit
Time from current visit – the auto-action will work for the visitor after the time you set, calculating the duration starting from the visit of the client to the site.

Time after page load
When a client visits the page you have chosen, the auto-action will calculate the time starting from his visit to a specific page.

Time since last live chat message
The auto-message will work after the time you set after the last message received by the client.
Time since last auto message
The auto-message will work after the time you set after the last auto-action received by the client.

You can select or vice versa to hide the day to show auto actions. On the day you selected, the auto-action will not work, or vice versa, it will only work on that day if you select equals. Use the more/less parameters and the auto-action will work in the period of time you need.

Day of the week
The auto message will be triggered on the days of the week you select.

current time
You can choose the period of time in which the auto-action will be triggered. Consider your agents’ lunch break or non-working hours.

Number of auto messages sent
You can set a filter with the number of sent auto-actions using the parameters – equal to/greater than/less than/not equal to. This way you can limit the number of sent auto-actions per visit.

Number of auto messages sent during this visit
You can set a filter with the number of sent auto-actions using the parameters – equal to/greater than/less than/not equal to. In each new visit of the client to the site, the auto-action will be recalculated.

Number of pages viewed
The auto-action will work based on the number of pages the visitor has viewed.

Number of visits to the site
The auto-action will work based on the number of visits by the client to the site.

Visitor cities
You can specify or exclude the display of auto-action for a visitor from a specific city.

Visitor regions
You can specify or exclude the display of auto-action for a visitor from a specific region.

Visitor countries
You can specify or exclude the display of auto-action for a visitor from a specific country.

IP address
You can filter clients with a specific IP address and show or not show auto-actions for them.

Device type
You can show auto-actions based on the device from which the visitor came to your site: mobile, tablet or PC.

Browser window width/height, (in px)
You can set up auto-action or hide the browser shortcut for specific screen sizes.

Current page address
The auto-action will be triggered on the page whose address you specify.

Previous page address
If the client visits the page whose address you specify, then the auto-action will work.
Search terms
Specify the search queries you are interested in and if the client uses them when searching in his browser, then the auto-action that you configure will work.

Referral Sources
You can set up auto-action for customers who come to your site from the sites whose URL you specify.

Page title
If you have a product category that is located on several pages of your site, you can simply write the page name and the auto-action will work on all pages of the site with this product.

Number of operators in the network
You can configure the auto-action in such a way that it will only work with a certain number of operators Online.

Specific network operator
The auto-action will be triggered when the operators you have selected are Online.

The mouse crossed the border of the screen
If a client decides to leave your site and their mouse cursor leaves your site, then the auto-action will work.

Page scroll, %
Automessages can be triggered if the client scrolled through half of the page (50%) or stopped at the very beginning (20%).

Page scroll, (in px)
The auto-action will work in a specific place on the page if you specify the number of pixels from the beginning of the page.

The user scrolled to the element
Choose where on your site you want the auto-action to work. If the client scrolls to a specific article or your prices.

New message from visitor
Use the “chatbot” filter in auto-actions and automatically answer your visitors’ questions, choosing answers from the phrases you specify.
To customize, you need to add the most common phrases of your customers and the answers that will be automatically substituted in the dialog.

Add the most frequently asked questions to the filter. For example – a greeting, links to instructions, recommendations, your promotions, background information, news, etc. You can use additional auto-action filters – open a tab with data collection or a promotion, select opening hours or create the script you need, taking into account the capabilities of the available auto-action filters.

If a client left his personal data during a previous visit to the site and logged in again from the same device, the system will recognize him.

Specify a username and the auto-action will work only for him.
Mobile phone
Specify the user’s mobile phone and the auto-action will work only for him.

Specify the user’s E-mail and the auto-action will work only for him.

Specify a Skype user and the auto-action will only work for that user.

If a visitor left a note when filling out the form (for example: call after 19-00), then the system will recognize him by keywords and the auto-action will work for a specific client.

Using additional filters, you can specify conditions for individual messages for which the main filters are already configured.


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